Monday, October 31, 2011


So my biggest secret that nobody knows about except my one friend and my girlfriend hotness who btw only found this out a few days ago, she found out that I'm bi mainly because we were playing 100 questions. So I'm not proud of it or nothing but I go with it, I don't really care if you like it or not but if you don't like should go die jk...not really go die. Now your wondering "Well Mr.Archer how could this have possibly happened to fag?" well I will tell you bitchass (not you hotness). During 8th grade when I was somewhat having a good life I got...curious in emo guys because I thought they looked good. So my one emo friend who I used to know well umm I started hitting on him and one day when I was at his house I kinda went at him and he just went along with it. So it honestly wasn't the worse thing in the world but I would never date a guy so I'm not completely bi. I btw have been bi for about two years and its not that bad, I can act totally gay (no offense) and make people uncomfortable which is funny to do but I don't really mean anything by it, I can also pick out hot guys, lol and in one case make others bi. Now something serious, hotness I'm never going to leave you, your too perfect inside and out to let go of, I want you forever, and no guy or girl is gonna change that. Me and you hotness are going all the way so try not to worry about my sexuality lol...oh and just to be funny because I think it's funny I'm gonna say this. I like boys :D

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