Thursday, October 20, 2011

Heart versus Head

So most people have two thought processes from my point of view and those two are their heart and their brain. Now most people go about these two little thought processes living in harmony together...mine is different, mine goes to war with each other every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. What do my brain and heart go to war about well just about everything rather it be memories or current conflicts such as dealing with assholes everyday. But the thing that my brain and heart have the most war time on is my relationship which I always want to keep solid and unbreakable. Which leads to this, I can't leave angel, I can't dump her, it just won't work. But she can break up with me because she has that freedom unlike I do, I can't break up with her because it would kill me if I did, I love her more then anything, also she's perfect so it would be like flushing daimonds down a toilet. I want to think there is no way that we will ever break up but this is reality and reality has the power to make good things die right infront of you. And another thing, if my angel thinks I'm just gonna forget about her one day oh she has another thing coming...not to sound full of myself but I'm not like other guys who are blind to see the perfection that she is, heres my opinion on other guy ahem they are all fucking insane and blind. I do not plan on becoming like other guys so she's gonna have to break up with me and I don't think she wants to do that. So we are gonna be together a while and umm if other guys want to try getting her attention please do me a favor and back the fuck off or I will stuff your head in a meat grinder ^___^ okay well bye my angel because I know you read these, I lurv you!

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