Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I love, lvoe, lurv that girl

I really do but the question is why and the answer is obvious. She has nothing but intentions to go all the way with me and well that would be awesome. People may say it's not realistic and it's just a dream and will never come true and most of those people are in the hospital now. Although there are some people who are not worth putting in the hospital because they are just too stupid and not worth the effort. And life and the world might think it will be cool to delay me and her but umm I think that the world and life is stupid and you should ignore it because it will work out. And it will work out for me in her might not be perfect but it's what I want and what she want I guess. Well were not going anywhere and were not leaving each other and it seems that whatever life throws at us we can deal with. Just gotta play the damn waiting game and the emotional ups and downs hopefully, should be fun eh? Well hopefully that's the only price I have to pay for true love ughhh well only one way to find out. The chances of us getting married 100% the chances of us not-100000000000%, even more then zero percent. So pretty much me and her yeah it's gonna be all fine.

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