Thursday, October 27, 2011

The news

So lately school has been fine, I think I'm passing all my classes which is good. My friends here are boring me and I need new ones to replace them (just kidding) but I would like some new friends. I have been very concerned with my health and I have started to stop drinking soda as the first step better health...yes I know I'm a twig of a guy but still. Also in my English class we are doing this class project based off the story of lord of the flies and so the class is stuck on an island and we have to survive by like making a society. So get this me, Hunter who is a 6 feet tall emoish cool dude, and Kevin my misguided pot smoking friend are the people in charge of the right? Oh something that I find interesting about myself umm I think government should be ruled by the military and by the people, I think that our government is just flat out stupid with the president and congressman and what not, pretty much they are all power hungry bastards. Not the ones like JFK or FDR though, they were cool, I wish they were here to lead this nation. Oh you know what would be a good idea...if the government would tax the rich big time but no the government lets the rich walk all over the little people. I find it funny that I never see a vote on who should be taxed more because I bet if we did have that vote the rich would be paying more then the poor ever will. Anyways I miss hotness a lot jeez I need to see her when Spring comes. It will be total silence when I first see her I know it so I have plan of using my badass charisma to break awkwardness in a second or 5000. Well first thing I'm gonna do is say hi and hug her and kiss her...problem is that I forgot how to kiss...crazy what one year does to you. Gotta wrap this up, I love you hotness and I will try to remember how to kiss before spring. Bye and bless your hotness.

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