Monday, October 31, 2011


So my biggest secret that nobody knows about except my one friend and my girlfriend hotness who btw only found this out a few days ago, she found out that I'm bi mainly because we were playing 100 questions. So I'm not proud of it or nothing but I go with it, I don't really care if you like it or not but if you don't like should go die jk...not really go die. Now your wondering "Well Mr.Archer how could this have possibly happened to fag?" well I will tell you bitchass (not you hotness). During 8th grade when I was somewhat having a good life I got...curious in emo guys because I thought they looked good. So my one emo friend who I used to know well umm I started hitting on him and one day when I was at his house I kinda went at him and he just went along with it. So it honestly wasn't the worse thing in the world but I would never date a guy so I'm not completely bi. I btw have been bi for about two years and its not that bad, I can act totally gay (no offense) and make people uncomfortable which is funny to do but I don't really mean anything by it, I can also pick out hot guys, lol and in one case make others bi. Now something serious, hotness I'm never going to leave you, your too perfect inside and out to let go of, I want you forever, and no guy or girl is gonna change that. Me and you hotness are going all the way so try not to worry about my sexuality lol...oh and just to be funny because I think it's funny I'm gonna say this. I like boys :D

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The news

So lately school has been fine, I think I'm passing all my classes which is good. My friends here are boring me and I need new ones to replace them (just kidding) but I would like some new friends. I have been very concerned with my health and I have started to stop drinking soda as the first step better health...yes I know I'm a twig of a guy but still. Also in my English class we are doing this class project based off the story of lord of the flies and so the class is stuck on an island and we have to survive by like making a society. So get this me, Hunter who is a 6 feet tall emoish cool dude, and Kevin my misguided pot smoking friend are the people in charge of the right? Oh something that I find interesting about myself umm I think government should be ruled by the military and by the people, I think that our government is just flat out stupid with the president and congressman and what not, pretty much they are all power hungry bastards. Not the ones like JFK or FDR though, they were cool, I wish they were here to lead this nation. Oh you know what would be a good idea...if the government would tax the rich big time but no the government lets the rich walk all over the little people. I find it funny that I never see a vote on who should be taxed more because I bet if we did have that vote the rich would be paying more then the poor ever will. Anyways I miss hotness a lot jeez I need to see her when Spring comes. It will be total silence when I first see her I know it so I have plan of using my badass charisma to break awkwardness in a second or 5000. Well first thing I'm gonna do is say hi and hug her and kiss her...problem is that I forgot how to kiss...crazy what one year does to you. Gotta wrap this up, I love you hotness and I will try to remember how to kiss before spring. Bye and bless your hotness.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hotness is...

Angel or more commonly known as hotness to me is how you like very omg I wish I was that girls boyfriend holy shit shes way more hot then my girlfriend hot. Now her body to put it into a way simple terms is how you say perfect, perfectly sexy hot. Now if your thinking what I think your thinking your most likely thinking "Well Mr. Archer what makes you think that she is hot...we don't know that you stupid bitchface." well all you imaginary people I have an answer for you ahem...If you can't see she is hot you are fucking blind nuff said now get your eyes popped please. Once again to any guy out there that thinks you should hit on her...don't cuz you will be shot by me. So basically she's mine well I'm more hers cuz I just love her to the point she can get me to do crazy things. And with knowing that she is mine...her body is kinda mine too so I'm the most lucky guy ever because I got a girl that's hotness is like the rest of her...perfect. Now don't tell hotness this but umm her past boyfriends are not the most best at seeing perfection so their loss is my gain. And I could write a lot more but I gotta wrap this up so I will finish off saying this, hotness you have a perfect body and you should have sex with me often...I'm pretty sure I can say something like that in blog. Well whatever me and her are gonna have sex a know because were awesome like that and I'm pretty much her slut...yeah well I love you hotness.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The worse thing I have ever done

Might be stealing my angel from her boyfriend...actually it is the worst thing I ever done so far in my life. Do I feel like an asshole? Yes I do. Do I feel bad for her ex? Yes I do. Do I feel like I wronged her? Yes I do. Do I regret what I did? No I don't. I didn't plan on doing this the first time I met her, I wasn't planning this, I didn't even know it would turn out this way. But that doesn't make it right because this was evil of me, I feel like the worse guy on the face of the Earth. Honestly I'm not the type of guy that would ever do this in fact I looked as it as wrong and something that should never be done. But I made it right, I basically got her to stop trying with her boyfriend and take a bigger interest in me. I got her to cheat on him pretty much and I'm an asshole for doing so. But it's not like I was doing just because I wanted to just use her, I wanted her because I loved her, I care about her more then anyone including myself. I wanted her because I had nobody to love and nobody to love me, and with all the shit that happened in my past I think it's clear why I don't regret what I did. But still I'm a fucking rat who stole his friends girlfriend even if it was for good reasons. And it's not like I'm dragging her into this because I'm not, she can leave my bitchass if she want because she has that freedom. What really eats me is what could of happened, I could of fucked up her life more then I might be doing right now. Who knows maybe karma or some bullshit will catch up to me and she will leave me and hate me forever, I can see that because whats not impossible anymore? Whatever...I will do my best to love my angel, keep her, care for her, and one day marry her. I might be a stealthy girlfriend stealing rat but I love my angel. Hmm but I'm most likely gonna burn for this because I'm pretty much evil and deserve to die like that on asshole whose face I broke. Well angel if you want you can leave and try with gamer as you call him on here go ahead, it doesnt really matter I'm most likely gonna pay for what I did one way or another. Well goodnight angel...I 'm gonna go cry myself to sleep and think about how much of a asshole I am.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Heart versus Head

So most people have two thought processes from my point of view and those two are their heart and their brain. Now most people go about these two little thought processes living in harmony together...mine is different, mine goes to war with each other every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. What do my brain and heart go to war about well just about everything rather it be memories or current conflicts such as dealing with assholes everyday. But the thing that my brain and heart have the most war time on is my relationship which I always want to keep solid and unbreakable. Which leads to this, I can't leave angel, I can't dump her, it just won't work. But she can break up with me because she has that freedom unlike I do, I can't break up with her because it would kill me if I did, I love her more then anything, also she's perfect so it would be like flushing daimonds down a toilet. I want to think there is no way that we will ever break up but this is reality and reality has the power to make good things die right infront of you. And another thing, if my angel thinks I'm just gonna forget about her one day oh she has another thing coming...not to sound full of myself but I'm not like other guys who are blind to see the perfection that she is, heres my opinion on other guy ahem they are all fucking insane and blind. I do not plan on becoming like other guys so she's gonna have to break up with me and I don't think she wants to do that. So we are gonna be together a while and umm if other guys want to try getting her attention please do me a favor and back the fuck off or I will stuff your head in a meat grinder ^___^ okay well bye my angel because I know you read these, I lurv you!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The six and his lessons

Flashback a few years ago when I had girlfriends besides my angel, three exactly each bearing a message very similar but with a different meaning. Number one my first taught me to trust nobody because all people no matter how close might betray you. She herself betrayed me and from that my first lesson was learned. Number two my second  taught me that I shouldn't try to make a relationship work and that nobody should change for the sake of just being together. She and I were never meant to be together so that's how my second lesson was learned. And number three she taught me how much love is worth and that love can make you or break you. She died and I held her so close and her death nearly took me along with her so that's how I learned my third lesson. My three girlfriends here all used me to their advantage and got me to fight others for them, they all hated me, I just never knew so I loved them back. When I figured it out after they all ditched me I hated them especially the third because she scared my mind and I will never be the happy boy I once was. I hate everyone I keep them away and I'm cruel, cold, maybe even evil but it's not my fault because my hatred, cruelness, coldness, evil are all justified. But I'm not all bad because even though I emptied my own heart and pushed everyone away I still have room for one. For one year I went without someone to fill that one space in my heart and it ate away at me driving me to the edge. Then I met angel who filled that space and reminded me what life is worth. Me and her are going to be together forever and  life, people, time, distance, hell even she will not stop me from doing that. I'm good with her and that's not shit either, I wouldn't do anything that would harm her, she has my permission to kill me if I ever do, burn me alive whatever. Keeping me and her together, making her happy, keeping her safe...these are my objectives and if I fail I'm done. I'm not going to kill myself but I'm done with love, hope, happiness, all of that I will no longer give a damn about. And if she ever comes back to me I won't say yes because it wouldn't be the same as it once was. If I lose her once, I lose her for good but I will still be there as a friend just no longer a lover...I'm only going to win or lose and this war will be the last one I ever fight because this will be the war that decides my fate and future. It's all or nothing and I am going to fight for it all because I love her and past her is nothing.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I love, lvoe, lurv that girl

I really do but the question is why and the answer is obvious. She has nothing but intentions to go all the way with me and well that would be awesome. People may say it's not realistic and it's just a dream and will never come true and most of those people are in the hospital now. Although there are some people who are not worth putting in the hospital because they are just too stupid and not worth the effort. And life and the world might think it will be cool to delay me and her but umm I think that the world and life is stupid and you should ignore it because it will work out. And it will work out for me in her might not be perfect but it's what I want and what she want I guess. Well were not going anywhere and were not leaving each other and it seems that whatever life throws at us we can deal with. Just gotta play the damn waiting game and the emotional ups and downs hopefully, should be fun eh? Well hopefully that's the only price I have to pay for true love ughhh well only one way to find out. The chances of us getting married 100% the chances of us not-100000000000%, even more then zero percent. So pretty much me and her yeah it's gonna be all fine.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Saint of miracles hear me out

So some things could delay me seeing her in the future and some bad things could happen to her too. She tells me not to worry and I should take it easy. I guess she's right because she can handle herself and I know that she's stronger then I am. It might be a longer road to seeing her but luckily she will wait for me, yeah I will still be down a lot and I will be worrying because I can't help it but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel. In the mean time I hope that doesn't happen and if there is any god answer my prayers for once because if it was any time for a nice little miracle now would be the time. Ughh life doesn't get any easier for anyone, I feel like I should make life into a person and kill it 115 times to make it feel like I feel and another 5 trillion times for all the people on this earth that are tortured. Also I contemplated suicide today the first time in a while but lucky for me I have my baby who has a way with words. I would have a bullet in my head or a machete through my heart if it wasn't for her, I love her so much it can be felt...yeah you can feel the love emitting off me.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Wondering about my loved one

I'm always thinking of her and when I'm not thinking of her I'm usually missing her. So it's a bit hard to stay in contact with my baby and it doesn't exactly do miracles to my sanity like I think life should stop being such a bitch and give me something reasonable. Two years until I get to be with her for a while and that's even if I can see her then but I'm striding forward hoping all the way. And right now I'm stuck here far away from her always wondering about how she's doing and hoping with all my heart that she's okay. Usually and it's an unfortunate truth she's usually not as happy as she could be and well neither am I but she's worse off then I am by a lot. And that's one of the reasons I'm with her is because of that so that she has someone around to dump raw emotions onto but that's not the main reason...I'm not really sure what the main reason is but I love her I know that much, I love her more then anyone and nothing gonna stop me from being with her except her or death and I mean that. But she doesn't really need me because in all honesty there are plenty more better guys that have big hearts and are looking for the best girl on the planet to love and care about. And that's the thing she doesn't really need me but I need her. If I lose her I know I will not be able to handle my emotions and my memories...hell even daily life will go down the tubes. And that's what scares me is if I lose her because TWO years until I can get to say I might have her for good but until then I worry because things change and know change and it knows me. Hahahaha and as crazy as it may sound and evil I will fight to keep her because I know my life will go strait to deaths door without her so pretty much if someone wants her that person is gonna have to kill me first. Ummm but I don't think it will come down to that, I think me and her will have a life together but until then I will be wondering about my loved one...

P.S. I love you baby and I miss you a ton.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oh look your head is bleeding

So today my one friend Dylan and his friend Trent had a lovely talk today. Trent was talking about his girlfriend and I started talking about mine. I guess he was jealous that my girlfriend is WAY more awesome then his girlfriend that he thought it was a good idea to talk shit about my angel. Well in the past I always had a problem when people said something about my girlfriend, most times I broke into a nice hateful rage and beat them up to a certain point. So we were all standing around right near this nice door with a metal door frame and I thought "OH I can smack his head against this". So if he thought I was just gonna stand there and let him talk about my girlfriend like, no, no I took him down to funky town and fucked him up. I punched him in the jaw and I slammed his head against the metal door frame...he dropped like a rock his head bleeding. Well that's what happened and I didn't even get into trouble because of it. The next bastard to say shit won't be so lucky let that be known. Oh and hotness I love you.