Thursday, November 24, 2011

Game over for now...

Well me and angel broke up and reason is that we are too far away and are gonna be waiting a while to be together. I did the breaking up part of it all which was not very hard but was not fun. She will now go out with that Screamo bitchass for a bit until I see angel in college. I will get my angel back and I will get my revenge on that asshole I promise that. I hope that angel keeps her promises she made me because I still want her as a love not a friend. Gonna be hard knowing those two are together...fucking pos bastard that he is. Well see you in the future angel and get ready to get stolen by me...all over again. And Screamo I hope you love what your future brings because your future is not gonna be with her as a lover that is. You better keep your promises angel because it's not gonna be you or me that's gonna pay for if you are gonna break them.

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