Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Perfection personified

I'm nowhere close to being perfect but I know someone who is and it happens to be my angel. Now if anyone was looking at this you would most likely be saying "oh how is she so perfect?" well if you read one of my past blog things you would understand. Let's see...she saved my life, she is always nice to me, she loves me, greatest personality ever, not a fake, has a heart, shows emotion, she looks amazing (that's why I call her hotness), oh and she actually gives a damn if I live or die, etc, etc, etc, the list goes on. Well she might not think she is perfect even though she is and I bet you people...even though nobody else reads this must think she is not perfect. Now...she is perfect but it take the certain type of person to really see that and it happens that those certain people are one in a trillion. You might not ever be able to see it but if you looked at her though my eyes you would understand why she is perfection personified. Did I mention I'm going to marry her? Because I'm going to marry her and it's going to be awesome...we are going to live our long and happy lives together. Every guy I know is going to be so jealous they are all going to be saying "I wish I had a girl as awesome as that" and I'm just going to say "yeah well you don't so take a step back". Ahem well yes it's going to be quite nice.

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