Monday, September 19, 2011

Blah blah blah ja?

So this post I'm going to just talk about my angel and what happened tonight...and maybe some other things. So tonight me and my angel had a total loving/awesome conversation and I have to say this might have been the best night of my life. At one point when me and my angel were talking my mom walks in and we start going off about love and getting married, it was very funny and made me smile so hard my jaw broke (not really). It would seem that my parents are okay with me marrying my angel and that makes me so happy and it just makes me want to...I don't know but it makes me very happy, I can't wait to marry my angel. In other news I'm writing my angel a letter to go along with her present for her birthday and the letter is going to be sweet. Also I am now thinking of getting her "a promise ring" and you can work out what that is so I'm not gonna go into detail but I will say this...the idea was introduced by my angel herself and it was a really good idea so I'm gonna look into it. And to end this rather nice post off I want to talk about my angel for a second...she is the number one thing in my life and how much I love her is something you cannot estimate. She gives my life some sort of meaning and a reason just to get up in the morning, shes all I have and all I want...she means everything to me and I will do anything for her. When we first met she knew nothing about me yet somehow she got interested in me and at the time I was going through a dark time and she helped me get through that. We became best friends and we shared a lot with eachother and back then I knew that I wanted to be in her life, I saw myself as her protecter/bestfriend but I wanted to be her boyfriend. Flashfoward to the present we are in a relationship and we want to get's a dream come true. She is my one and only true love and I am going to marry her.

P.S. Like my post hotness?
P.S.S. I love you hotness!

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