Sunday, September 18, 2011

Update on life here in my world

So school has been going good so far but I still don't want to be there because it just sucks doing the same thing everyday and dealing with the same stupid people all the time. Life here at home has been good as well even though my parents tell me all the time to do better in school which I try to do but it's harder then it looks for a guy like me. And as a present update currently I have been trying to figure out what to give my angel as a gift for her bday. And to wrap this post up with some personal stuff if you would like to call it that, so me and my angel are in a relationship of lovingness and it's awesome besides the fact we live miles away from each other but that means nothing because we are a good pair if I do say so myself. It's amazing how we met under a rather odd event...we were fighting but then somehow we started talking to each other and becoming close friends. And now we are in a relationship and well I don't plan on really giving her up and I hope she feels the same way which she might...right? Oh who am I asking that question to, I guess I'm just crazy anyways yeah were in a relationship and it's awesome. And as a total spoiler just to let nobody know because nobody will ever read this except one person but I'm going to ask her to marry me in college or that's what I plan to do (I'm a bit ahead of myself).

Goodnight nobody...well goodnight my angel because she will read this.

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