Saturday, July 23, 2011

What might happen

Well just took a long look at my life and it made me angry so I don't know, might as well just say what's on my mind.So  long time ago when I was small I wanted to join the military, got older got a girlfriend I changed my mind, shit happened I wanted to join again, met someone and she kinda changed my mind but it's undecided.Honestly odds of me ever having a remotely good life is very bad, the odds of me enlisting are fairly high.I kinda wish died before I met my angel so I would have never left any mark on her life but I'm easy to forget so it would not matter probably anyway, I just wish me and her were living together as friends but it will be a while til that happens if it happens.Well if I never get to see her I hope that her life works out and she forgets about me, I know where I will be if that happens and hopefully it will end fast.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The day before yesterday

When I was born I was going to be named Angus but two people I never met changed that,aunt Anna and uncle Frank.It was more of my aunt I think she made the decision to name me Anthony after the saint Anthony who is the saint of miracles.I was religious when I was a child as my life went on things happened some for the better but most of it for the worse.I prayed for my father who is being used by the family but things never changed his health gets worse by each day,his father suffered the same way he does in fact his dad died right in front of him.My grandfather on my moms side of the family died when I was 8 or 10 he was a very nice man,he served in the military,I wish I got to know him better.My mother developed cancer and years off her life have disappeared.My family basically sees me as a failure and is always on my back.And a little over a year ago my 3rd girlfriend was killed and since then I have stopped believing my catholic religion,why? Because it seems that my hopes and prayers fell on deaf ears.The only thing that is left of my religious days is my name which lost its meaning when I lost my hopes.I do have one thing or objective left and it's the only thing that keeps me going,no one will ever get in my way of reaching my objective and protecting it.And I'm not crying about how my life is playing out,I know there are many people who have it way worse.But people who have terrible things happen to them can learn from the experience and maybe help others that suffer so we can all live a bit more happily.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

My hells angel

So last year around winter time I happened to meet this girl through my one friend who is her boyfriend.So that day I was messing with him and she defended him which led to me and her having a war of words,I lost.And more or less right after the fight me and her talked a lot,we became friends,I trusted her,she trusted me.Okay before I go further I want to make clear that the time before and during the time I met her was a living hell for me,I was going through the darkest of my days because of my 3rd girlfriend passing away due to a car accident,during this time I wanted to die.Anyways one day I told my new friend about this and well she gave me good reasons not to blow my head off,I listened to her and things got better for me,she saved me from myself.Now in 2011 she and I are best friends and no one is going to change that ohh and if anyone tries to hurt her I will find them and make them wish they were dead.And if you want to know why I call her my hells angel it's because she is evil in a good way and she is a very wonderful person plus she saved my life...she's the best what can I say?

Imagination unlimited

As the title suggests this has to do with the imagination I have which is quite boundless.How is it boundless,well I can think up some pretty cool,crazy,or downright disturbing things in a second.A good example of this would be a story I'm writing which kinda sucks but if I gave the idea to someone good it could become a movie(maybe).So the main guy in the story is Archer a corporal in the U.S. army soon after his graduation he is sent to the Pentagon to test a piece of technology a teleporter.The teleporter sends him into the future where the world is nearing the end of a WWIII a war fought to unite the world.He takes command of a group known as Shadow Company an elite force that is fighting to unite the world.He leads the beaten tired army to a final victory at the remains of the White House.The years after the war he leads the way to rebuilding the ravaged world and making it fall under the Shadow Company Republics banner.He then starts to make teleporters for military use and he notices a problem,soldiers lose the ability to age which creates his massive military force.After the world is repaired and united as one he sends his army to worlds unknown via teleporter to discover new tech and also annex worlds under the banner of the SCR.The origins of the teleporter remain unclear.
This is not really full detail but it gives a small clue on the story.And since it's set in the future it can really go anywhere so it's boundless.Cool huh?