Thursday, December 1, 2011

Through all gates of all types

Hells gate, Heavens gate, Deaths gate...Limbos gate. I have gone through everything except the one thing I'm planning on doing in the next few years. I'm going through the gate of war, it's my time to serve this nation but I can't remember what I'm fighing for anymore. All of the people I met here all seem to rip me apart and use me like I'm just a puppet. People don't care about me very much and oddly I don't care about anyone but really myself anymore. So they fucked me up pretty good and I think I'm just gonna go, it's quite obvious I'm not welcome here. I'm not fighting for anyone, not for my country, not for the hell of it, I'm fighting to forget and move on. Maybe when I go out to fight I will make real friends that don't fuck me up. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole they call a civilized nation.

I'm not going to college with anyone I think I have pretty much descided and I'm joining up as soon as I get out. I'm not gonna tell anyone I'm leaving and I hope they all end up hating me because I don't care anymore really. I'm not gonna be there for my angel, I can't take care of anything but myself...I don't want to deal with others anymore because they always seem to break me like I'm just an old toy then they just toss me away. The people I'm gonna leave behind should be fine without me and they will all forget sooner or later. I have hope and I hope to get out of here as soon as I can so I can do what I have been doing every life I lived.

I'm sorry angel but I think it's just not worth it being here anymore because what do I really have? Don't have anything but me and you as a FRIEND. And I'm not gonna deal with you being there with another guy so fuck that shit I'm out. Btw I loved your blog you posted, it made me feel great knowing that you did this for yourself. You made me snap finally so now I don't need anyone just a gun and ammo. I love you but I don't think you love me the same way back anymore.

Have fun getting married to someone that isnt me and I'm gonna kill some guys for you in your name, I hope the people I kill have families ^___^ BYE BYE!!!

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