Monday, June 13, 2011

The story of me...well the important part

I was born October 1st at midnight in Patchouge,NY (I don't feel like mentioning the year).My parents are both great,my cousins who are awesome...and the rest of my family hates me and I hate them.So living on Long Island for your whole life with no true friends and with a family that hates makes you hate the place,I hate this island and I can't wait to leave.My life was doing well until one day,my 3rd girlfriend deep sixed (died).I loved her more than anything and her death changed me but not for the the better.Certainly not for the better.So I got depressed or at least I think that's the way to describe it.It was bad at first balling my eyes out,than things changed I got really cold emotionally,after that was anger and I found a way to blame myself,and finally I didn't want to take it anymore I wanted to deep six myself too.But than I met someone who told me why I shouldn't deep six myself and I listened to her.After she told me why I changed again for the better this time.And now i'm just going on with hopes to get off this island and see a friend that helped me through my darkest hour.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot to mention how awesomely awesome you are. silly. Btw, I love you.
